Growing locally adapted seed for our community.
Building a more resilient food system one seed at a time!

Seed Library
We have over 200 varieties seeds in our Seed Library at St. Stephen's Church!
All free to home gardeners.
Wednesday afternoons
from 4:00-5:30 pm
& most 4th Saturdays
(Closed April 26)
Join our mailing list below to get announcements about Saturday Seed Library schedule
Seeds available at the
Sebastopol Public Library

Seed Garden
Come learn about seed saving and gardening and lend a hand in our seed garden!!!
Wednesday 4:00-5:30pm.
Monday mornings 9:00am-11:30am
4th Saturday* of each month from
​Rain cancels.
No Saturday work party in April!

Class May 24th-Seed Saving Basics
Being a successful seed saver doesn’t require an advanced degree, but it does demand careful planning and a basic understanding of plant reproduction. This class will provide a helpful overview of the basics of seed saving from the backyard garden. Learn about plant families, the difference between hybrids and open pollinated varieties and how to prevent cross-pollination. Find out what are some of the easiest plants to grow out for seeds.
No Class In April!